We are a group of people from various parts of the world, who like to experiment with computers. We hope that we can provide some information back to the public and support the ongoing process of learning. Our group is involved in various research and projects such as Hardware Hacking, BackTrack, Exploit Development, Online Information Security Training, and various other aspects of network security.
Max Moser - Founder Nick Name _MAX_ Twitter: http://twitter.com/rexploit E-Mail: mmo (-at-) remote-exploit.org |
Philipp Schroedel - Researcher Nick Name phil E-Mail: phil (-at-) remote-exploit.org |
Thorsten Schroeder - Researcher Nick Name: ths E-Mail: ths (-at-) remote-exploit.org |
Ben Smith - Researcher Nick Name: TheX1le E-Mail: TheX1le (-at-) remote-exploit.org |
Filip Waeytens - Researcher Nick Name: barbsie E-Mail: barbsie (-at-) remote-exploit.org |
Muris Kurgas - Researcher Nick Name: j0rgan E-Mail: j0rgan (-at-) remote-exploit.org |